Thursday, January 2, 2020

Is Jesus Christ Or Non Christian - 996 Words

There are questions that frequently asked by people endlessly asked by those who met Jesus Christ indirect or directly, even today, regardless of if they are Christian or non-Christian, the question is â€Å"Who is Jesus Christ? â€Å"What is the Gospel?† To answer it simple way, Jesus can be found in the New Testament, especially the Gospels. From His attribute to characteristic and his sincerity, it helps readers to find the questions they had specifically who Jesus is. â€Å"It was important to mark that not even the disciples understand Jesus’ true identity before his death, for authentic Christian faith must include the cross and resurrection.†(Boring, 490)â€Å"As the meaning of Jesus’ identity as suffering Son of Man comes more sharply into focus, the inseparable bond between Christology and discipleship becomes more clear.†(Boring, 530) There is a method that could help approach the Christology in two ways, first one is the kenosis Christ ology â€Å"is able to portray the life of Jesus as an utterly human identification with the weakness of humanity and to present his suffering and death as real and salvific. Kenosis Christology could not tell the stories of people who became Christian believers during Jesus’ earthly life.†( on the other hand, â€Å"the epiphany Christology can tell powerful stories from the life of Jesus that communicate God’s saving act. Such stories were told as events within the pre-Easter framework of Jesus’ life but were told in the light of the Easter faith, by and forShow MoreRelatedChrist in Catholicism and Other Religions1684 Words   |  7 Pagesunprecedented. Christians are aware of the existence of many other smaller religions apart from the mainstream Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism. Statistics from the World Christian Encyclopaedia indicates that there are more than one billion people who practice Islam, over 650 million people who practice Hinduism, more than 300 million Buddhists, over 200 million people who practice the Chinese folk religion. 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